Time Out Technology

Today is day seven of traveling in the back woods of West Virginia with 5 adults, 5 kids, 5 dogs and a tortoise ( Oh & my sister adopted a kitten on day two here)

Today is also day seven without wifi, cell service or technology

It has been hard for the adults but even harder for the kids, making me realize how important it is that we have this week to give technology a time out

Decreasing the time spent on technology can significantly:





We made the decision that the kids would not be bringing any screens or devices to play on while we where getting back in touch with nature.  We would limit our screen time to the completion of work tasks every couple days if possible and when needed we would travel an hour out to town to post blogs, pay bills & answer emails. This is day seven and for the first time I am sitting in a public library completing some work.  The kids are down stairs coloring and reading books. The past seven days have consisted of kayaking, hiking, swimming and playing.

Not to mention late nights of camp fires and roasting marshmallows. I will say that after the first 24 hours the urge to check your facebook diminishes, and the thought of checking a text message or email is easily forgotten (at least for me it was).  Technology changes the structure & wiring of your brain, making it harder for you to maintain focus, enjoy daily activities and complete tasks without interruption. The kids seemed to take about three days to adjust, they asked for their tablets, especially at the end of the night when we where winding down but I didn’t give in, instead of TV or tablets they can read books, roast marshmallows, or color.

Quotes of kids:

“There is no WiFi here Savannah but it’s okay I have three games in my tablet that don’t need WiFi” – Angelina 6 years old

The look on her face when I said that we where not bringing tablets to the cabin was priceless. Although it seemed like I was crazy I am so happy we made this decision because I am watching these kids playing and I love that there are no screens involved.

“Do you really think it’s okay they don’t have a TV in this place when we paid to be here?” – Tegan 4 years old

Yes Tegan I do, I think it is refreshing actually!


When is the last time you went an entire day without a phone, computer, TV or iPad? I can promise it has been years for me, and it is crazy how wonderful it is to be present in the moment without interruption of email, text messages, social media updates or phone calls.

Things to pack:

  1. Deck of cards
  2. Sunscreen
  3. Bug spray
  4. Bathing suits
  5. Snacks
  6. Games

Happy 4th Of July!!

Be safe & Enjoy the holiday!