Be A Boss: How To Take Control Of Your Life

What is a boss? According to Webster’s dictionary and google a boss is a person who exercises control or authority. One who is in charge of a worker or organization. 

Step back and take a moment to realize how many authority figures have shaped your life.


Our first authority figure. How many times did you hurry to turn off the computer or TV hit the lights and jump into bed when you where up past bedtime and heard your parents coming up stairs?


Did you ever rush to complete homework before class began, hide passing notes or worry about getting in trouble?


Have you ever watched a retail store when a senior manager, or district manager (company bigwig) enters a building? You can IMMEDIATELY see the panic and energy shift.  


This has me thinking, what if this is all just an illusion?

What if we alter the illusion of authority to make ourselves do better, be better, live better?

Instead of panicking in the site or presence of authority we instead will have a solid calm because we ourself are a boss.  

I challenge you to take control of your life.


  1. OWN IT:
    Okay here goes nothing. YOU are a BOSS.  Say it out loud. “I am a BOSS.” You are now an authority figure, you need to check in with. Your job is to measure and hold yourself accountable for your decisions, performance, actions and inactions.
  2. CHECK IN:
    It is time to check in with yourself.  Are you performing at your highest capacity? Where IS there room for improvements? Health? Fitness? Financial well-being? Work ethic? All of the above? What are three things that you can change in your life RIGHT NOW to improve your current situation? Got it? Great!! Write it down!
    This is where people get caught up.  There is a huge difference between wanting to change and deciding to change.  As a boss it is important, no no, not just important IMPERATIVE that you have the ability to execute and demand change.

Once you implement change you can move forward and repeat these three steps over until you reach your goals!

In no time you will be the best version of yourself. Do this process for the next 30 days.  

See what new helpful habits you can create.  

I would love to hear how you do each step of the way!

I will be working these three steps as well! So feel free to email or comment below 

Chase Your Dreams & Be You!

Love Always,

Courtney Chase